SLG59M1551V switch equivalent, 2.0a greenfet load switch.
* One 15.5 mΩ 2.0 A MOSFET
* VD = 0.85 V to 1.9 V
* One integrated VGS Charge Pump
* Integrated Discharge Resistor
* Over Temperature Protection
The part comes with one 15.5 mΩ 2.0 A rated MOSFET controlled by a single ON control pin. The product is packaged in an.
The SLG59M1551V is designed for load switching applications. The part comes with one 15.5 mΩ 2.0 A rated MOSFET controlled by a single ON control pin. The product is packaged in an ultra-small 1.0 x 1.0 mm package.
* One 15.5 mΩ 2.0 A MO.
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