
BTC5095S3 Datasheet, Cystech Electonics Corp

BTC5095S3 transistor equivalent, npn transistor.

BTC5095S3 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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BTC5095S3 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Low Noise and High Gain:
* NF=1.4dB, TYP. @ VCE=2V, Ic=4.2mA, f=0.9GHz Ga=12dB, TYP. @ VCE=2V, Ic=4.2mA, f=0.9GHz ∣S21∣² =13.5dB @ VCE =5V, Ic =4.5mA, f=0.9GHz .


* Low noise and high gain amplifiers & Oscillator buffer amplifiers
* Cordless Phone : LNA , MIX ,and OSC
* .


The BTC5095S3 is a NPN Silicon Transistor designed for low noise amplifier at VHF, UHF and CATV band. Symbol Outline BTC5095S3 SOT-323 B:Base C:Collector E:Emitter Features
* Low Noise and High Gain:
* NF=1.4dB, TYP. @ VCE=2V, Ic=4.2mA,.

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