
AS6VA5128 Datasheet, Alliance Semiconductor

AS6VA5128 sram equivalent, low-power cmos sram.

AS6VA5128 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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AS6VA5128 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* AS6VA5128
* Intelliwatt™ active power circuitry
* Industrial and commercial temperature ranges available
* Organization: 524,288 words × 8 bits
* 2..


where slow data access, low power, and simple interfacing are desired. Equal address access and cycle times (tAA, tRC, t.


The AS6VA5128 is a low-power CMOS 4,194,304-bit Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) device organized as 524,288 words × 8 bits. It is designed for memory applications where slow data access, low power, and simple interfacing are desired. Equal address.

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