bq25A - 1-4 Cell Li+ Battery SMBus Charge Controller
LP4054 - 600mA Standalone Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger
bq24780S - 1- to 4-Cell Hybrid Power Boost Mode Battery Charge Controller
TC4056A - 1A Linear lithium ion battery charger
SGM41511 - 3A Single-Cell Battery Charger
BQ735 - 1- to 4-Cell Li+ Battery SMBus Charge Controller
ETA6953 - 1-Cell Battery Charger
TP5100 - 2A-switch buck 8.4V / 4.2V rechargeable lithium battery Charger
XT2052 - 1A Is Compatible With the USB Interface Linear Battery Management Chip
BM3451 - 3/4/5 Cell Battery Protectors
BQ725 - 2-4 Cell Li+ Battery SMBus Charge Controller
INR18650-M26 - Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery
INR18650-25R - Lithium-ion Battery
IP2312 - Single-cell lithium battery synchronous switch buck charging IC
EG4318 - Three-stage lead-acid battery charge management chip
XB8089D - One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection
ISL95522 - Hybrid Power Boost (HPB) and Narrow VDC (NVDC) Combo Battery Charger
HT3786D - Li-ion Battery Charger
INR18650-MH1 - Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery