
TM57FA40 Datasheet, tenx technology

TM57FA40 microcontroller equivalent, 8-bit microcontroller.

TM57FA40 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-12

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TM57FA40 Datasheet

Features and benefits

section. 3. Add 8 SOP, 8 DIP figure in Pin Assignment section. 4. In SYSCFG section, bit 11-10, for 01 setting, modify the LVR threshold to 2.9V. 5. In SYSCFG section, bi.


May, 2009 Sept, 2009 Jan, 2010 Dec, 2010 Oct, 2011 Dec, 2011 New release 1. Modify system clock mode for fast crystal 455 KHz ~ 12 MHz. 2. Add 8 DIP/SOP in packet types in Features section. 3. Add 8 SOP, 8 DIP figure in Pin Assignment section. 4. I.

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