TPS3808G30-Q1 circuit equivalent, low-quiescent-current programmable-delay supervisory circuit.
*1 Qualified for Automotive Applications
* Power-On Reset Generator With Adjustable Delay
Time: 1.25 ms to 10 s
* Very Low Quiescent Current: 2.4 μA Typical <.
* Power-On Reset Generator With Adjustable Delay
Time: 1.25 ms to 10 s
* Very Low Quiescent Current: 2.4 μA Typi.
The TPS3808Gxx-Q1 microprocessor supervisory circuits monitor system voltages from 0.4 V to 5 V, asserting an open-drain RESET signal when the SENSE voltage drops below a preset threshold or when the manual reset (MR) pin drops to a logic low. The RE.
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