
U74AHC3G06 Datasheet, Unisonic Technologies

U74AHC3G06 inverter equivalent, inverter.

U74AHC3G06 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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U74AHC3G06 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Low power supply 1.0 μA at 5.5V * Wide supply voltage range from 2V to 5.5V * Up to 5.5V inputs accept voltages * Low power dissipation * Balanced propagation delays * .


The U74AHC3G06 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS device which provides three inverting buffers with open-drain outputs. For digital operation, this device must have a pull-up resistor to establish a logic HIGH-level.
* FEATURES * Low power supply 1.0.

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