
15600 Datasheet, Unisonic Technologies

15600 melody-ic equivalent, melody-ic.

15600 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-12

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15600 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Range of operating voltage: 0.9~5.5V * Reference signal source frequency: 32.768KHZ,47.520KHZ(mask option selection) * Options : 1. changing the melody midway during p.


* FEATURES * Range of operating voltage: 0.9~5.5V * Reference signal source frequency: 32.768KHZ,47.520KHZ(mask opt.


UTC 15600 Series is a CMOS IC circuits which contain a programmed mask ROM to generate chord music. The capacity of the ROM being used for storage of such music information is of 128 words and up to two numbers of music melodies under two different s.

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