2N4126 transistors equivalent, small signal low noise transistors.
* Complementary to 2N4124
* High power PT:625mW at 25°C
* High DC current Gain hFE:120~360 at Ic=2mA
Maximum Ratings (T Ambient=25ºC unless noted othe.
* Complementary to 2N4124
* High power PT:625mW at 25°C
* High DC current Gain hFE:120~360 at Ic=2.
* The 2N4126 is PNP silicon epitaxial planar transistors designed for general purpose switching and amplifier applications.
* Complementary to 2N4124
* High power PT:625mW at 25°C
* High DC current Gain hFE:120~360 at Ic=2mA
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