
TDA6048-5X Datasheet, Siemens Semiconductor

TDA6048-5X if equivalent, multistandard sound if.

TDA6048-5X Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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TDA6048-5X Datasheet

Features and benefits

q High input sensitivity q Low distortion for AM-sound application q AM detector is alignmentfree q Few external components q Selectable IF inputs low crosstalk q Interca.


with quasi parallel sound a selected FM-sound IF is mixed with a picture carrier which is applied symmetrically to a pic.


Multistandard sound IF with two selectable IF inputs. The selection between the two IF inputs is made by applying ground to a special IF-select pin, or by leaving it in a high impedance state. Both IF inputs are symmetrical inputs. There are two po.

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Siemens Semiconductor

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