
2SC2570A Datasheet, Renesas

2SC2570A transistor equivalent, npn epitaxial silicon rf transistor.

2SC2570A Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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2SC2570A Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Low noise and high gain : NF = 1.5 dB TYP., Ga = 8 dB TYP. @ VCE = 10 V, IC = 5 mA, f = 1 GHz
* Wide dynamic range : NF = 1.9 dB TYP., Ga = 9 dB TYP. @ VCE = 10.


The 2SC2570A is designed for use in Low Noise Amplifier of VHF and UHF satges. FEATURES
* Low noise and high gain : NF = 1.5 dB TYP., Ga = 8 dB TYP. @ VCE = 10 V, IC = 5 mA, f = 1 GHz
* Wide dynamic range : NF = 1.9 dB TYP., Ga = 9 dB TYP. @.

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