PI3PD22919 switch equivalent, low ron load switch.
ÎÎIntegrated Load Switch ÎÎInput Voltage: 0.75-V to 3.6-V ÎÎUltra-Low ON Resistance:
− Max RON over temperature = 9.8mΩ at VIN = 3.6V ÎÎUltra Small CSP-8 package
−0.95 mm.
ÎÎNotebook / Netbook Computer ÎÎTablet PC ÎÎPDAs / Smartphones ÎÎGPS Navigation Devices ÎÎMP3 Players
C Vout
B Vo.
The PI3PD22919 is a small, ultra-low rON load switch with controlled turn on. The device contains a N-channel MOSFET that can operate over an input voltage range of 0.75 V to 3.6 V and switch currents up to 4-A. An integrated charge pump biases the N.
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