
ECES2AG681N Panasonic Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Description Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Snap-In, Mini., 105°C, High Ripple APS TS-NH ECE-S (G) Series: TS-NH Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/TS-NH s Features • Long life: 105°C 2,000 hours; high ripple current handling ability • Wide CV value range (47 ~ 47,000 µF/10 ~ 400V) • Various case sizes and top vent constructions s Explanation of Part Numbers 123 4 56 ECE S Product Code Shape Working V...
• Long life: 105°C 2,000 hours; high ripple current handling ability
• Wide CV value range (47 ~ 47,000 µF/10 ~ 400V)
• Various case sizes and top vent constructions s Explanation of Part Numbers 123 4 56 ECE S Product Code Shape Working Voltage Code ECES Standard terminal type ECEC Short terminal type 7 G Series Code 8 9 10 N. Capacitanc...

Datasheet PDF File ECES2AG681N Datasheet - 77.89KB


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