2N4923 transistor equivalent, silicon npn transistor.
D Lo saturation Voltage: VCE(sat) = 600mV (Max) @ IC = 1A D Excellent Power Dissipation: PD = 30W @ TC = +25C D Excellent Safe Operating Area D Gain Specified to IC = 1.
Features: D Lo saturation Voltage: VCE(sat) = 600mV (Max) @ IC = 1A D Excellent Power Dissipation: PD = 30W @ TC = +25.
The 2N4923 is a silicon NPN transistors in a TO−126 plastic package designed for use as driver circuits, switching, and amplifier applications.
Features: D Lo saturation Voltage: VCE(sat) = 600mV (Max) @ IC = 1A D Excellent Power Dissipation: PD = .
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