LTC2632 dacs equivalent, dual 12-/10-/8-bit spi vout dacs.
n Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2632-L) 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2632-H)
n Maximum INL Error: ±1.5LSB (LTC2632A-12) n Low Noise: 0..
n Mobile Communications n Process Control and Industrial Automation n Automatic Test Equipment n Portable Equipment .
The LTC®2632 is a family of dual 12-, 10-, and 8-bit voltage-output DACs with an integrated, high-accuracy, low-drift reference in an 8-lead TSOT-23 package. It has rail-to-rail output buffers and is guaranteed monotonic. The LTC2632-L has a full-sca.
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