JW1210 remover equivalent, scalable adaptive 100/120hz current ripple remover.
Scalable Adaptive 100/120Hz Current Ripple Remover 5V~60V Input Voltage Built-in LED Driving MOSFET LED Voltage Low to 0.65V @ 0.25A Programmable LED Current Ripple Progr.
LED Lighting
JW1210 is used to drive a LED string (<60V), and remove the 100/120Hz current ripple on
JW1210 is used to drive a LED string (<60V), and remove the 100/120Hz current ripple on
AC/DC power by a capacitor between VC and GND.
JW1210 allows user to setup the maximum voltage on LED pin by connect a resistor between VLMT and GND. If the volt.
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