
AS30-272K-RC Allied Components International Axial Shielded Inductors

Description AS30 Axial Shielded Inductors RoHS Allied Part Number Inductance Tolerance (µh) (%) Q Min. 1.15 (29) NOMINAL 0.335 (8.51) MAX. 24AWG 1.15 (29) NOMINAL Dimensions: Inches (mm) 0.14±0.02 (3.56±0.51) Electrical Rated Current: Inductance Drop <10% at rated current. Tolerance: ±10% over the entire inductance range. Tighter tolerances available. Shielding: < 5% coupling, with 2 units side by ...
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Datasheet PDF File AS30-272K-RC Datasheet - 896.54KB


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