
HIN208 Intersil Corporation +5V Powered RS-232 Transmitters/Receivers with 0.1Microfarad External Capacitors

Description PIN VCC V+ VGND C1+ C1C2+ C2TIN TOUT RIN ROUT EN, EN SD, SD NC FUNCTION Power Supply Input 5V ±10%, 5V ±5% (HIN207, HIN203, and HIN205). Internally generated positive supply (+10V nominal), HIN201 requires +9V to +13.2V. Internally generated negative supply (-10V nominal). Ground Lead. Connect to 0V. External capacitor (+ terminal) is connected to this lead. External capacitor (- terminal) is con...
• Meets All RS-232E and V.28 Specifications
• HIN203 and HIN205 Require No External Capacitors
• Requires Only 0.1µF or Greater External Capacitors
• High Data Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120kbit/s
• Two Receivers Active in Shutdown Mode (HIN213)
• Requires Only Single +5V Power Supply - (+5V and +12V - HIN201)
• Onboard...

Datasheet PDF File HIN208 Datasheet - 203.46KB


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